Our Work Stream
In order to execute the components of the project, our investigators and collaborative teams are undertaking this project in milestone phases, structured into work packages (WPs):
Data Acquisition
Led by: Professor Jo Hajnal and Professor David Edwards
- Optimization and implementation of improved image acquisition and reconstruction technique
- Subject identification, recruitment and imaging
- Collateral data collection

Extracting, Visualizing and Analysis of the Connectome
Led by: Professor Stephen Smith and Professor Daniel Rueckert
- Computational platform for connectomics in the developing brain
- Connectivity-based registration
- Connectivity-based parcellation
- Spatio-temporal model of the developing connectome
- Connectivity analysis

Neurobiologic Interference
Led by: Professor David Edwards and Professor Stephen Smith
- Descriptive connectomics
- Comparison of connectomes in different populations
- Investigation of genetic and environmental effects
- Relation of connectomic data and neurocognitive ability